Culture [30] Profession [156]


Language: Ferkina

Script: none

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Robber, Soldier, Tribal Warrior, Rogue, Zoologist (archaic forms only)
  • Magical: Possessed, Druid, Dabbler Mage, Shaman
  • Clerical: Kor Deont, Rahja Deont

Typical advantages: Eisern, Giftresistenz, Herausragende Eigenschaft (MU, KO), Hohe Lebenskraft, Kampfrausch, Richtungssinn, Saumagen, Verbesserte Regeneration (Lebensenergie), Unheimlich, Zäher Hund

Typical disadvantages: Kind der Wildnis, Niedrige Mageesistenz, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Jähzorn, Meeresangst, Rachsucht, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Frauen und Nichtferkinas]), Blutrausch, Hässlich (durch Gesichtsnarben), Übler Geruch, Unfähig in social talents

Untypical advantages: Angenehmer Geruch, Hohe Mageesistenz, Schwer zu verzaubern, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Untypical disadvantages: Glasknochen, Krankheitsanfällig, Niedrige Lebenskraft, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Krankhafte Reinlichkeit), Stubenhocker, Theoretiker, Zerbrechlich

Typical talents: intimidate, track, heal poison, climb, body control, herb lore, ride, self control, stone craft, animal lore, hide, survival, carouse

Untypical talents: seduce, etiquette, drive, fly, streetwise, geography, chronicle, theology, cook, arcane lore, mechanics, smithery, music, calculate, jurisprudence, locks, seafaring, politics, persuade

Typical names: Azad, Bashur, Faruch, Kazûm, Nashrath, Rachwan, Sharkhan, Tsharik, Yabman, Zakhaban (male); Begum, Chanum, Duncha, Farah, Golshan, Hulya, Mehrshan, Nadam, Tamra, Zarbanu (female)

Namen werden mit iban bei Männern und sabu bei Frauen mit dem Namen des Vaters oder der Mutterverbunden (e.g., Azad iban Faruch oder Duncha sabu Farah), Verheiratete Frauen tragen stattdessen mit dem Zusatz zawsh(i) den Namen des Ehemanns und Besitzers (Golshan zawshi Rachwan) Known clans: Bân Anghrachan, Bân Farkash, Bân Hadârri, Bân Khalil, Merech, Shai’Aian, Ulad Barshîm


Cost: 880 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, swords 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: body control 4, climb 4, swim 7, self control 4, carouse 4
  • Social: human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 7, fishing 4, orientation 7, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, legend lore 7
  • Craft: woodcraft 7, seafaring 10, tailor 4

Typical attributes: AG, CN

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, violent temper

Unsuitable advantages: acrophobia, fear of water, agoraphobia


Cost: 880 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, swords 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: body control 4, climb 4, swim 7, self control 4, carouse 4
  • Social: human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 7, fishing 10, orientation 7, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, legend lore 7
  • Craft: woodcraft 4, seafaring 10, tailor 4

Typical attributes: AG, CN

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, violent temper

Unsuitable advantages: acrophobia, fear of water, agoraphobia


Language: Fjarningish

Script: none

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Gladiator, Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Robber, Soldier, Tribal Warrior, Zoologist (archaic forms only)
  • Magical: Angara-Priests, Berserker, Frunu-Priests
  • Clerical: none

Typical advantages: Balance, Eisern, Entfernungssinn, Herausragende Eigenschaft (MU, KO, KK), Kälteresistenz, Kampfrausch, Hohe Lebenskraft, Richtungssinn, Saumagen, Unheimlich, Verbesserte Regeneration (Lebensenergie), Zäher Hund

Typical disadvantages: Auffällig, Blutrausch, Hitzeempfi ndlichkeit, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Jähzorn, Meeresangst), Unfähig in social talents

Untypical advantages: Unauffällig, Hitzeresistenz, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Untypical disadvantages: Fettleibig, Glasknochen, Krankheitsanfällig, Lahm, Nachtblind, Niedrige Lebenskraft, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Dunkelangst, Höhenangst, Krankhafte Reinlichkeit, Platzangst, Raumangst), Zerbrechlich

Typical talents: intimidate, track, woodcraft, climb, body control, smithery (almost exclusively based on bronze), orientation, self control, stone craft, animal lore, survival

Untypical talents: seduce, etiquette, drive, fly, streetwise, ride, locks, seafaring, politics

Known clans: Double-axe-people, Polar-fox-people, Shrieking-swords-people

Typical names: Asgold, Blotgrim, Engur, Frunobar, Gjallur, Havgrimur, Pandur, Raluf, Surthor, Valbrandar (male); Asgora, Dandagard, Funudara, Gunnlaug, Halfga, Jaldrud, Rangra, Svannlaug, Ulfgard, Ylwa (female);

Surnames are not common, but honourable nicknames are quite popular: Bearslayer, Frostblade, Creeping Death.


Cost: 900 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP

Combat techniques: dodge 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, brawl 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: acrobatics 7, climb 4, body control 4, ride 4, sing 4, dance 4, pickpocket 4, hide 4, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 7, persuade 4, disguise 4
  • Nature: animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, paint 4, music 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves and Dwarves

Typical attributes: CR, DX, AG

Recommended advantages: balance, aptitude for body talents, direction sense, good looking, contortionist, connection (animals), bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, envy, curiosity, vindictiveness

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, acrophobia, night-blind, inaptitude for body talents


Cost: 1190 AP

Special abilities: languages 20 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 7, fencing weapons 4, axes & maces 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: acrobatics 4, body control 4, climb 4, self control 4, perception 4, pickpocket 7, hide 7, carouse 4
  • Social: seduce 4, streetwise 7, human nature 7, persuade 4, disguise 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: orientation 4
  • Lore: gamble 10, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: locks 7

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CR, IN, CH, AG

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, danger sense, good looking, social adaptability, bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, greed, curiosity

Unsuitable advantages: bloodlust


Cost: 810 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 15 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, swords 4, bows 4


  • Body: ride 4, hide 4, perception 4, dance 4, carouse 4
  • Social: convince 4, seduce 4, etiquette 10, human nature 7, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Lore: chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4, politics 7
  • Craft: tailor 7

Typical cultures: only Nostrians and Andergasters

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, danger sense, resistance to poison, good looking

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, stinginess, greed, violent temper, pathological cleanliness, envy, vindictiveness

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for craft talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: bloodlust, inaptitude for social talents


Language: Gjalskish

Script: none

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Barde, Gladiator, Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Robber, Soldier, Tribal Warrior, Rogue, Zoologist (archaic forms only)
  • Magical: Shaman, Beast Warrior
  • Clerical: none

Typical advantages: Eisern, Gefahreninstinkt, Herausragende Eigenschaft (MU, KO, KK), Kampfrausch, Kälteresistenz, Hohe Lebenskraft, Richtungssinn, Verbesserte Regeneration (Lebensenergie), Zäher Hund

Typical disadvantages: Blutrausch, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Meeresangst, Totenangst, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Thorwaler und Orks])

Untypical advantages: Hitzeresistenz, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Untypical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Dunkelangst, Höhenangst, Krankhafte Reinlichkeit, Raumangst), Fettleibig, Glasknochen, Krankheitsanfällig, Lahm, Nacht blind, Niedrige Lebenskraft, Zerbrechlich

Typical talents: intimidate, track, climb, body control, orientation, herb lore, legend lore, self control, animal lore, survival

Untypical talents: drive, fly, streetwise, locks, seafaring, politics

Typical Haeradi: Niellyn, Dhartaech, Lyrgach, Alrudh, Mortakh, Rayyadh

Typical names: Anchas, Barthak, Branchan, Druan, Ifrunndoch, Kalzan, Morghinach, Struan, Wladuch, Yuchdan (male); Andraga, Dunyabra, Edargrim, Hagwa, Karbra, Lapyra, Megrim, Skrayana, Tyrocha, Zulcha (female);

Männer erhalten als Nachnamen den Vornamen des Vaters, Frauen den der Mutter. Zwischen dem Vor- und Nachnamen wird ein bren bei Männern (Anchas bren Branchan) oder ein brai bei Frauen (Andraga brai Zulcha) eingefügt.


Cost: 900 AP

Requirements: AG 11, ST 11

Special abilities: scripts + languages 20 AP, Kampf: Feint, Mighty Blow

Combat techniques: dodge 4, nets 7 (exotic), axes & maces 7, brawl 7, shields 4, swords 7, staves & spears 7


  • Body: body control 4, self control 4, carouse 4
  • Social: intimidate 4, human nature 4
  • Lore: theology 4, warfare 4
  • Craft: heal wounds 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CR, AG, CN, ST

Recommended advantages: two-handed, ironman, good looking, battle frenzy, high vitality, improved regeneration (life energy), toughness

Recommended disadvantages: bloodlust, low attribute (vanity)

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for social talents

Unsuitable disadvantages: obesity, slow regeneration (life energy)

Gold Hunter

Cost: 1115 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, swords 4


  • Body: body control 4, climb 7, swim 4, perception 7
  • Social: human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: track 4, orientation 7, herb lore 4, animal lore 4, survival 7
  • Lore: geography 7, chronicle 4, theology 4, mechanics 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: paint 4, smithery 4, stone craft 7, seafaring 4

Typical cultures: all

Typical attributes: CR, IN, AG

Recommended advantages: danger sense, sense of direction, social adaptability, dwarf nose

Recommended disadvantages: curiosity, greed, theorist, unworldly

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, fear of dark, acrophobia, claustrophobia, inaptitude for lore talents

Grave Robber

Cost: 1205 AP

Special abilities: languages 20 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 7, fencing weapons 4, axes & maces 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: body control 7, climb 7, self control 4, perception 4, pickpocket 4, hide 7, carouse 4
  • Social: seduce 4, streetwise 7, human nature 4, persuade 4, disguise 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: orientation 4
  • Lore: chronicle 7, gamble 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: locks 7

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CR, IN, CH, AG

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, danger sense, good looking, social adaptability, bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, greed, curiosity

Unsuitable advantages: bloodlust


Cost: 950 AP

Requirements: ST 13

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP; Armor Use I

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, swords 4, staves & spears 7, crossbows 4


  • Body: body control 4, self control 4, perception 7, carouse 4
  • Social: intimidate 4, etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: track 4, bind 4, orientation 4
  • Lore: theology 4, warfare 4, jurisprudence 4
  • Craft: drive 4, heal wounds 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended advantages: high vitality, improved regeneration (life energy)

Recommended disadvantages: low attribute (arrogance, justice mania), liabilities

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: slow regeneration (life energy)


Cost: 950 AP

Requirements: ST 13

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP, Kampf: Armor Use I

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, swords 4, staves & spears 7, crossbows 4


  • Body: body control 7, self control 4, perception 4, carouse 4
  • Social: intimidate 4, etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: track 4, bind 4, orientation 4
  • Lore: theology 4, warfare 4, jurisprudence 4
  • Craft: drive 4, heal wounds 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended advantages: high vitality, improved regeneration (life energy)

Recommended disadvantages: low attribute (arrogance, justice mania), liabilities

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: slow regeneration (life energy)


Cost: 770 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 4, streetwise 10, human nature 4, persuade 7, willpower 4, hide 4, disguise 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, calculate 7, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, trade 10

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, social adaptability, bardic voice, inner clock

Recommended disadvantages: stinginess, greed, envy

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, ugliness, agoraphobia, unworldly


Cost: 800 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 65 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Body: self control 4, perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 4, herb lore 4, animal lore 4
  • Lore: theology 4, arcane lore 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: heal disease 7, heal poison 7, heal wounds 10

Typical cultures: not Elves

Typical attributes: CR, CL, DX

Recommended advantages: resistance to poison, immunity to poison, immunity to disease, resistance to disease

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, greed

Unsuitable disadvantages: blood fear, prone to illness, necrophobia


Cost: 1110 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, swords 4


  • Body: body control 4, climb 7, swim 4, perception 7
  • Social: etiquette 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: track 4, orientation 7, herb lore 10, animal lore 4, survival 7
  • Lore: geography 7, chronicle 4, theology 4, mechanics 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: paint 4, seafaring 4

Typical cultures: all

Typical attributes: CR, IN, AG

Recommended advantages: danger sense, sense of direction, social adaptability, dwarf nose

Recommended disadvantages: curiosity, greed, theorist, unworldly

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, fear of dark, acrophobia, claustrophobia, inaptitude for lore talents

Hill Dwarf

Language: Rogolan

Script: Rogolan-runes

Popular professions:

  • Profane: all (except for Gladiator, Knight, Tribal Warrior and other tribal professions)
  • Magical: Alchemist, Geode, Mage (rare)
  • Clerical: Angrosch Deont, Ingerimm Deont (rare), Peraine Deont (rare), Travia Deont (rare)

Typical advantages: Aptitude for Gesellschafts- und Handwerkstalenten (vor allem cook), Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Goldgier, Meeresangst, Neugier)

Untypical advantages: Kampfrausch

Untypical disadvantages: Blutrausch, Nachtblind, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Dunkelangst, Raumangst)

Typical talents: etiquette, drive, fishing, cook, sing, dance, hide, carouse

Untypical talents: intimidate, fly, ride, survival

Typical names: Artox, Bengram Dabrasch, Gerambalosch, Hargasch Obolosch, Roglom, Tlutasch, Xandaresch, Zinkhal, (male); Aurea, Caldera, Garescha, Ingrascha, Thurescha, Xolgima (female); Beutelsaum, Breitpfann, Grumling, Hüglinger, Kugelin, Süßbrot (Sippennamen)


Cost: 545 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 80 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Social: etiquette 4, persuade 4
  • Lore: geography 7, chronicle 10, theology 7, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 7, arcane lore 4, politics 4
  • Craft: paint 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for lore talents, theorist

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, brittle bone, envy, curiosity, inaptitude for body and social talents, unworldly

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for body talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, bloodlust


Language: Garethi (Horathi)

Script: Kuslik Script

Civilization: Horasreich (Aurelat, Coverna, Septimana, Wild South, Yaquirien)

Popular professions:

  • Profane: all (except for Tribal Warrior and other tribal professions)
  • Magical: Alchemist, Druid, Witch, Dabbler Mage, Mage, Charlatan
  • Clerical: Twelfgods Deont


Cost: 1200 AP

Special abilities: languages 15 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, bows 7


  • Body: body control 4, climb 4, ride 4, swim 4, self control 4, perception 7, hide 7
  • Nature: track 10, bind 4,orientation 7, herb lore 7, animal lore 7, survival 10
  • Lore: theology 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: heal poison 4, heal wounds 4, woodcraft 4, leather craft 4

Typical cultures: all

Typical attributes: CR, IN, DX

Recommended advantages: twilight sight, ironman, direction sense, danger sense, outstanding sense (hearing or sight), sense of direction, toughness

Recommended disadvantages: claustrophobia

Unsuitable advantages: social adaptability

Unsuitable disadvantages: fear of dark, night-blind, agoraphobia

Ice Elf

Language: Isdira

Script: Isdira-symbols

Übliche Profession: Bewahrer, Former, Kämpfer, Legendensänger, Wildnisläufer, Zauberweber

Typical advantages: Aptitude for Körper- und Naturtalenten, Aptitude for Kampftechniken (vor allem Bögen und Wurfwaffen), Gefahreninstinkt, Magische Einstimmung (Wesen des Eises), Richtungssinn, Verbundenheit (Tiere)

Typical disadvantages: Artefaktgebunden (Instrument), Magieblockade (KL), Schlechte Eigenschaft (Arroganz, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Nichtelfen], Weltfremd [vor allem bei Adel, Besitz, Geld, Götter, Hierarchien, Religion]), Unfähig in Wissenstalenten, Wilde Magie

Untypical advantages: Aptitude for Wissenstalenten, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Untypical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Dunkelangst, Goldgier, Platzangst, Rachsucht, Raumangst), Unfähig in Körper- und Naturtalenten

Typical talents: track, bind, fishing, climb, body control, music, orientation, herb lore, self control, sing, perception, dance, animal lore, hide, survival

Untypical talents: alchemy, gamble, drive, fly, jurisprudence, locks, politics, carouse

Typical names: Alriel, Delavar, Eldariel, Ilcoron, Mandaniel, Mandrion, Osagiel, Sanyarin (male); Alari, Calenleya, Elayoé, Fiannon, Mandaniel, Onioniel, Peaolé, Saliniome, Teleria, Zairi (female)


Cost: 1085 AP

Requirements: ST 13

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP; Armor Use I

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, swords 4, staves & spears 7, crossbows 4, whips 4 (exotic)


  • Body: body control 4, self control 4, perception 7, carouse 4
  • Social: convince 4, intimidate 10, etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: track 4, bind 7, orientation 4
  • Lore: theology 4, warfare 4, jurisprudence 4
  • Craft: drive 4, heal wounds 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended advantages: high vitality, improved regeneration (life energy)

Recommended disadvantages: low attribute (arrogance, justice mania), liabilities

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: slow regeneration (life energy)


Cost: 560 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 80 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Social: etiquette 7, human nature 4, persuade 7, willpower 4
  • Lore: geography 4, chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 10, legend lore 4, politics 4
  • Craft: paint 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for lore talents, theorist

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, brittle bone, envy, curiosity, inaptitude for body and social talents, unworldly

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for body talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, bloodlust

Knife Thrower

Cost: 960 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP

Combat techniques: dodge 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, brawl 4, thrown weapons 10


  • Body: acrobatics 7, climb 4, body control 7, ride 4, sing 4, dance 4, pickpocket 4, hide 4, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, disguise 4
  • Nature: animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, paint 4, music 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves and Dwarves

Typical attributes: CR, DX, AG

Recommended advantages: balance, aptitude for body talents, direction sense, good looking, Contortionist, connection (animals), bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, envy, curiosity, vindictiveness

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, acrophobia, night-blind, inaptitude for body talents


Cost: 800 AP

Special abilities: language in value of 5 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: body control 4, perception 4, dance 4, carouse 4
  • Social: human nature 4
  • Nature: track 4, fishing 4, orientation 4, herb lore 4, animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: theology 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, heal disease 4, heal wounds 4, woodcraft 4, cook 4, leather craft 4, tailor 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended advantages: aptitude for nature talents

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, prejudices

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for lore talents

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, pathological cleanliness, agoraphobia

Lea Elf

Language: Isdira

Script: Isdira-symbols

Popular professions: Bewahrer, Former, Kämpfer, Legendensänger, Wildnisläufer, Zauberweber

Typical advantages: Aptitude for Handwerkstalenten (vor allem seafaring), Aptitude for Kampftechniken (vor allem Bögen), Gefahreninstinkt, Verbundenheit (Feen und Tiere), Magische Einstimmung (Wesen der Auen)

Typical disadvantages: Artefaktgebunden (Instrument), Magieblockade (KL), Schlechte Eigenschaft (Arroganz, Neugier, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Nichtelfen], Weltfremd [vor allem Besitz, Götter]), Wilde Magie

Untypical advantages: Aptitude for Wissenstalenten

Untypical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Goldgier,Rachsucht), Unfähig in Körper- und Naturtalenten

Typical talents: seduce, intimidate, track, fishing, body control, music, orientation, herb lore, sing, perception, seafaring, dance, animal lore, hide, survival

Untypical talents: alchemy, gamble, drive, jurisprudence, locks, politics, carouse

Typical names: Adalarion, Alarion, Caerleon, Delayar, Dendayar, Edorion, Elanor, Feysiriel, Lindariel, Navarion (male); Alaniel, Caerleon, Daleone, Eldariel, Gailanoe, Lauriel, Mandara, Rhianna, Sanyadriel, Valandriel (female)


Cost: 520 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 150 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Social: etiquette 4, persuade 4
  • Lore: geography 7, chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: paint 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for lore talents, theorist

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, brittle bone, envy, curiosity, inaptitude for body and social talents, unworldly

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for body talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, bloodlust


Cost: 775 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4


  • Body: body control 7, climb 4, self control 7, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: orientation 4, bind 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, mechanics 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: woodcraft 4, leather craft 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended disadvantages: superstition

Unsuitable advantages: social adaptability

Unsuitable disadvantages: pathological cleanliness


Cost: 795 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 15 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, swords 4, bows 4


  • Body: ride 4, hide 4, perception 4, dance 7, carouse 4
  • Social: convince 4, seduce 7, etiquette 7, human nature 7, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Lore: chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4, politics 7

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves and Dwarves

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, danger sense, resistance to poison, good looking

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, stinginess, greed, violent temper, pathological cleanliness, envy, vindictiveness

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for craft talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: bloodlust, inaptitude for social talents

Long-distance Merchant

Cost: 920 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: body control 4, perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 7, willpower 4
  • Nature: track 4, orientation 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 7, theology 4, calculate 7, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4, arcane lore 4, astronomy 4
  • Craft: drive 4, trade 10

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, social adaptability, bardic voice, inner clock

Recommended disadvantages: stinginess, greed, envy

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, ugliness, agoraphobia, unworldly


Cost: 1160 AP

Special abilities: languages 20 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 7, daggers 7, fencing weapons 4, axes & maces 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: body control 4, climb 4, self control 4, perception 4, pickpocket 7, hide 7, carouse 4, dance 7
  • Social: seduce 4, etiquette 7, streetwise 7, human nature 4, persuade 4, disguise 4, willpower 4
  • Nature: orientation 4
  • Lore: gamble 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4, politics 4
  • Craft: locks 7

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CR, IN, CH, AG

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, danger sense, good looking, social adaptability, bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, greed, curiosity

Unsuitable advantages: bloodlust

Love Servant

Cost: 850 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4


  • Body: body control 4, self control 4, perception 4, dance 4, hide 4, carouse 4
  • Social: seduce 7, streetwise 7, human nature 7, persuade 4, disguise 4, willpower 4
  • Lore: theology 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: trade 4, heal disease 4, heal wounds 4, tailor 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves and Dwarves

Typical attributes: CH, CN

Recommended advantages: pleasant smell, aptitude for social talents, good looking, bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: vanity, greed, resistance to cold, pathological cleanliness, social adaptability

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: bloodlust, ugliness, claustrophobia, foul smell

Maid or Valet

Cost: 730 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 10 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4


  • Body: self control 4, perception 4, hide 4, carouse 4
  • Social: etiquette 7, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: animal lore 4
  • Lore: theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, trade 4, heal wounds 4, woodcraft 4, cook 4, leather craft 4, tailor 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, social adaptability

Recommended disadvantages: superstition

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: bloodlust, foul smell


Language: Garethi (Maraskani) or Tulamidya (Maraskani-Tulamidya)

Script: Kuslik Script and Tulamidya

Civilization: Maraskan (various exile cities)

Popular professions:

  • Profane: all (except for Tribal Warrior and other tribal professions)
  • Magical: Alchemist, Witch, Dabbler Mage, Mage, Charlatan
  • Clerical: Twelfgods Deont, Rur and Gror Priests

Typical advantages: Gefahreninstinkt, Giftresistenz, Hitzeresistenz, Krankheitsresistenz, Richtungssinn, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Arroganz, Neugier, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Mittelreicher])

Untypical advantages: Kälteresistenz, Kampfrausch

Untypical disadvantages: Farbenblind, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Angst vor Insekten, Jähzorn)

Typical talents: theology, heal poison, orientation, herb lore, animal lore, hide, survival

Untypical talents: drive, fly

Typical names: Alrech, Brinziber, Denderan, Dschindziber, Feruziber, Firold, Gerbaldijian, Mulziber, Perjin, Vegsziber (male); Bekasabu, Dajida, Fathimajida, Garasab, Harikajida, Madajida, Shinojida, Tsaryscham, Yasindajida, Zulamidjida (female)


Cost: 425 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 80 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Social: etiquette 4, persuade 4
  • Lore: geography 4, chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 10, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4, gamble 4, mechanics 4
  • Craft: paint 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for lore talents, theorist

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, brittle bone, envy, curiosity, inaptitude for body and social talents, unworldly

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for body talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, bloodlust


Cost: 650 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 80 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Social: convince 7, etiquette 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Lore: geography 4, chronicle 4, theology 10, calculate 4, jurisprudence 10, legend lore 4, gamble 4, politics 4
  • Craft: paint 4

Typical cultures: Novadis only

Typical attributes: CL, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for lore talents, theorist

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, brittle bone, envy, curiosity, inaptitude for body and social talents, unworldly

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for body talents, battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: superstition, bloodlust


Cost: 950 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 65 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Body: self control 4, perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 7, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 4, herb lore 7, animal lore 7
  • Lore: theology 4, arcane lore 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: heal disease 10, heal poison 7, heal wounds 10

Typical cultures: not Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers and Elves

Typical attributes: CR, CL, DX

Recommended advantages: resistance to poison, immunity to poison, immunity to disease, resistance to disease

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, greed

Unsuitable disadvantages: blood fear, prone to illness, necrophobia


Cost: 700 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4


  • Body: body control 7, climb 4, self control 4, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, mechanics 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: woodcraft 4, leather craft 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended disadvantages: superstition

Unsuitable advantages: social adaptability

Unsuitable disadvantages: pathological cleanliness


Cost: 650 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 7, willpower 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, calculate 7, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, trade 10

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, social adaptability, bardic voice, inner clock

Recommended disadvantages: stinginess, greed, envy

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, ugliness, agoraphobia, unworldly


Cost: 950 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4


  • Body: body control 4, ride 10, swim 4, self control 4, perception 7
  • Social: etiquette 4, streetwise 4, human nature 4
  • Nature: track 4, orientation 7, animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 7, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: paint 4, leather craft 4

Typical cultures: all

Typical attributes: IN, AG, CN

Recommended advantages: aptitude for body and nature talents, ironman, danger sense, resistance to cold, resistance to disease, sense of direction, connection (animals), toughness

Unsuitable disadvantages: fear of horses (for riding messengers), bloodlust, fear of dark, obesity, brittle bone, greed, prone to illness, claustrophobia, inaptitude for body and nature talents

Middlerealmian (Garetian)

Language: Garethi (depends on the province)

Script: Kuslik Script

Civilization: Mittelreich (Albernia, Almada, Darpatien, Donnerbach, Garetien, Kosch, Nordmarken, Tobrien, Weiden)

Popular professions: all (except for tribal professions)

Typical advantages: Glück

Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Andersgläubige, Elfen, Orks, Goblins, Nichtmittelreicher])

Untypical advantages: Hitzeresistenz, Kälteresistenz

Untypical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Platzangst, Raumangst)

Typical talents: woodcraft, smithery, herb lore, tailor, animal lore

Untypical talents: fly

Typical names: Alrik, Cordovan, Darian, Erlan, Gerion, Hagen, Praiodan, Refardeon, Viburn, Yendor (male); Alena, Caya, Dorlen, Elwene, Fiana, Khorena, Oleana, Quisira, Sannah, Xaviera (female); Alfaran, Berlind, Damotil, Fuxfell, Grabensalb, Harnischmacher, Meeltheuer, Steinhauer, Winterkalt, Zandor (lastnames)


Cost: 800 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 65 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Body: self control 4, perception 4
  • Social: human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 4, herb lore 7, animal lore 4
  • Lore: theology 4, arcane lore 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 7
  • Craft: heal disease 7, heal poison 4, heal wounds 7, heal panic 4

Typical cultures: not Elves

Typical attributes: CR, CL, DX

Recommended advantages: resistance to poison, immunity to poison, immunity to disease, resistance to disease

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, greed

Unsuitable disadvantages: blood fear, prone to illness, necrophobia


Cost: 860 AP

Special abilities: language in value of 5 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: body control 4, perception 4, dance 4, carouse 4
  • Social: human nature 4
  • Nature: track 4, fishing 4, orientation 4, herb lore 4, animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: theology 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, heal disease 4, heal wounds 4, woodcraft 4, cook 4, leather craft 4, tailor 4, mechanics 7

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended advantages: aptitude for nature talents

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, prejudices

Unsuitable advantages: aptitude for lore talents

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, pathological cleanliness, agoraphobia


Cost: 730 AP

Special abilities: languages 25 AP

Combat techniques: brawl 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4


  • Body: body control 7, climb 4, self control 4, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4
  • Nature: bind 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, mechanics 4, calculate 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: woodcraft 4, leather craft 4, stone craft 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CN, ST

Recommended disadvantages: superstition

Unsuitable advantages: social adaptability

Unsuitable disadvantages: pathological cleanliness


Language: Mohisch, dialect depends on clan

Script: none

Civilization: Forest people

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Gladiator, Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Robber, Soldier, Tribal Warrior, Rogue, Zoologist (archaic forms only)
  • Magical: Dabbler Mage, Shaman
  • Clerical: High Shamans of Kamaluq

Typical advantages: Balance, Gefahreninstinkt, Giftresistenz, Glück, Gutaussehend, Hitzeresistenz, Hohe Lebenskraft, Richtungssinn, Schlangenmensch

Typical disadvantages: Kälteempfi ndlichkeit, Kind der Wildnis, Niedrige Mageesistenz, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Eitelkeit, Meeresangst, Neugier, Platzangst [bei Stämmen der Ebene], Rachsucht, Raumangst, Totenangst, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Nichtmohas])

Untypical advantages: Eisern, Kälteresistenz

Untypical disadvantages: Glasknochen, Krankheitsanfällig, Nachtblind, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Angst vor Spinnen, Reptilien oder Insekten, Goldgier, Höhenangst, Krankhafte Reinlichkeit), Stubenhocker, Unfähig in Naturtalenten, Zauberanfällig

Typical talents: track, heal poison, heal disease, climb, body control, orientation, herb lore, legend lore, perception, animal lore, hide, survival

Untypical talents: etiquette, drive, fly, streetwise, geography, chronicle, smithery, ride, locks, seafaring (except for certain tribes such as the Tocamuyac), politics, carouse

Known clans: Anoiha, Chirakah, Darna, Haipu, Keke-Wanaq, Miniwatu, Mohaha, Napewanha, Oijaniha, Panaq-Si, Ruwangi, Shokubunga, Tocamuyac

Typical names:

  • Forest people: Cankuna (agile), Kehala (turtle), Takate (whose hand is always bloody), Wapiya (his hands do good), Yako (feline);
  • Utulu: Kalimba, Mangabe, Shasiwatu, Tenkile, Usuthu; Tocamuyac: Anakena, Ataranga, Kiri, Miru, Rano;
  • Mohish names can refer to both — males and females.


Cost: 710 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 35 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4, staves & spears 4


  • Body: perception 4
  • Social: etiquette 4, streetwise 7, human nature 4, persuade 7, willpower 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, calculate 10, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, trade 10

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: CL, IN, CH

Recommended advantages: aptitude for social talents, social adaptability, bardic voice, inner clock

Recommended disadvantages: stinginess, greed, envy

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, ugliness, agoraphobia, unworldly


Cost: 900 AP

Special abilities: scripts + languages 30 AP

Combat techniques: dodge 4, daggers 4, axes & maces 4, brawl 4, thrown weapons 4


  • Body: acrobatics 7, climb 4, body control 7, ride 4, sing 4, dance 4, pickpocket 4, hide 4, carouse 4
  • Social: streetwise 4, human nature 4, persuade 4, disguise 4
  • Nature: animal lore 4, survival 4
  • Lore: geography 4, theology 4, legend lore 4
  • Craft: drive 4, paint 4, music 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves and Dwarves

Typical attributes: CR, DX, AG

Recommended advantages: balance, aptitude for body talents, direction sense, good looking, Contortionist, connection (animals), bardic voice

Recommended disadvantages: superstition, vanity, envy, curiosity, vindictiveness

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, acrophobia, night-blind, inaptitude for body talents


Cost: 550 AP

Special abilities: languages + scripts 25 AP

Combat techniques: daggers 4


  • Body: perception 4, dance 10, sing 7
  • Social: seduce 4, etiquette 7, human nature 4, persuade 4, willpower 4
  • Lore: gamble 4, chronicle 4, theology 4, calculate 4, jurisprudence 4, legend lore 4

Typical cultures: all except for Ferkinas, Fjarningars, Gjalskerlanders, Moha, Nivese, Trollzackers, Elves

Typical attributes: IN, CH, DX

Recommended advantages: aptitude for craft and lore talents

Recommended disadvantages: arrogance, vanity, megalomania, curiosity

Unsuitable advantages: battle frenzy

Unsuitable disadvantages: blind, bloodlust, color-blind


Language: Nujuka

Script: none

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Robber, Soldier, Rogue, Zoologist (archaic forms only)
  • Magical: Dabbler Mage, Shaman
  • Clerical: High Shamans of Sky Wolves

Typical advantages: Gefahreninstinkt, Kälteresistenz, Richtungssinn, Verbundenheit (Tiere)

Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Höhenangst, Raumangst, Totenangst)

Untypical advantages: Hitzeresistenz, Soziale Anpassungsfähigkeit

Untypical disadvantages: Fettleibig, Niedrige Lebenskraft, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Arroganz, Goldgier, Platzangst)

Typical talents: track, drive, body control, orientation, herb lore, legend lore, perception, animal lore, hide, survival

Untypical talents: intimidate, etiquette, fly, streetwise, chronicle, heraldy*, warfare, ride, locks, seafaring

Known clans: Hokke, Rika-Lie, Takku, Lieska-Leddu, Lieska-Lärna

Typical names: Arko, Eiko, Garnan, Hunjok, Jurtan, Kinajo, Latu, Nerkjo, Tamperen, Valen (male); Amuri, Dana, Geika, Jalani, Kantala, Liskaju, Myrra, Nirka, Saari, Vaala (female)


Language: Alaani (Gajka, Takellen)

Script: Kuslik Script

Popular professions:

  • Profane: Entdecker, Gelehrter, Gladiator, Craftsman, Healer, Hunter, Laborer, Robber, Soldier, Rogue, Zoologist
  • Magical: Witch, Dabbler Mage, Charlatan, Zibilja
  • Clerical: Twelfgods Deont

Typical advantages: Gutes Gedächtnis, Kälteresistenz, Richtungssinn

Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Goldgier, Höhenangst, Neugier, Raumangst)

Untypical advantages: Hitzeresistenz

Untypical disadvantages: Prinzipientreue, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Arroganz, Platzangst)

Typical talents: drive, geography, trade, orientation, persuade, survival

Untypical talents: fly, seafaring

Typical names: Aikul, Beril, Darjew, Fadril, Jagotin, Kergil, Laromir, Mikail, Radul, Tuljew (male); Barina, Dagris, Eika, Hetinka, Janka, Kolja, Lexaja, Olja, Slanka, Tuminka (female); Aljeff, Bolscheff, Choprutin, Dagoneff, Garkinen, Janig, Koranzig, Kowalejeff, Lugoltin, Sewerin (lastnames)

1-50 51-100 101-150 151-186