Language: Rogolan
Script: Rogolan-runes
Popular professions:
- Profane: all (except for Gladiator, Knight, Tribal Warrior and other tribal professions)
- Magical: Alchemist, Geode, Mage (rare)
- Clerical: Angrosch Deont, Hesinde Deont (rare), Ingerimm Deont (rare), Kor Deont (rare), Phex Deont (rare), Rahja Deont (rare), Rondra Deont (rare)
Typical advantages: aptitude for craft talents (mostly smithery and stone craft), social adaptability
Typical disadvantages: bad attribute (vanity, stinginess, avarice, curiosity, claustrophobia, sea fear)
Untypical advantages: Kampfrausch
Untypical disadvantages: Blutrausch, Nachtblind, Schlechte Eigenschaft (Raumangst), Übler Geruch
Typical talents: seduce, geography, chronicle, paint, mechanics, smithery, music, orientation, calculate, legend lore, locks, stone craft, dance, animal lore, hide, carouse
Untypical talents: fly, swim, seafaring
Typical names: Angrox, Balum, Cratosch Gandresch, Grotho, Jandrim, Migosch, Norrin, Rabagasch, Topasch (male); Angalla, Cadrima, Etoscha, Igrima, Magmascha, Segrima (female)