Language: Tulamidya (Aranish) or Garethi
Script: Kuslik Script or Tulamidya
Civilization: Aranien (Baburin, Elburum, Gorien, Palmyramis, Zorgan)
Popular professions:
- Profane: all except for Knight, Tribal Warrior and other tribal professions; Officers and Long-distance Traders almost exclusively women
- Magical:: Alchemist, Witch, Dabbler Mage, Magier (Guildmage and Qabalyim Mage), Charlatan, Magic Dancer (Majuna and Sharisad)
- Clerical: Twelfgods Deont
Typical advantages: Aptitude for social talents, Entfernungssinn
Typical disadvantages: Schlechte Eigenschaft (Aberglaube, Krankhafte Reinlichkeit, Vorurteile [vor allem gegen Novadis, Ferkinas und Mage]), Zerbrechlich
Untypical advantages: Kälteresistenz
Untypical disadvantages: Blutrausch
Typical talents: seduce, gamble, streetwise, trade, paint, human nature, calculate, jurisprudence, ride, legend lore, seafaring (along the coast), astronomy, tailor, pickpocket, persuade
Untypical talents: intimidate, track, survival
Typical names: Assaf, Djafardeon, Eslam, Faizal, Kazan, Mahdul, Nazir, Marwamir, Seychaban, Zahir (male); Aischanka, Belima, Delilah, Harizeth, Neraida, Majula, Rhayadaque, Shilaldara, Yamira, Zulhaminai (female)
Names are composed of a first name and a father-name, which is introduced by ibn (with males) or saba (with females), indicating “son of” or “daughter of” (e.g., Yamira saba Delihah or Belima Majulasunni, Assaf ibn Eslam).