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Rating: 5.0

The Forum is the central contact point and heart of the Orkenspalter. Here you have access to many forum posts, discussions, adventures and player requests. The downloads contain thousands of free adventures, tools, documents and more - some of them date back to the time of the Orkenspalter in 1997. The gallery shows various photos of events and works of art Every user can have his own blog, e.g. for character diaries, developer blogs or simply for news. In the links, thematically appropriate projects, blogs, publishers and websites are maintained and also supplemented by users. The domestic TV channel Orkenspalter TV produces role-play film and nerd videos. A calendar for role-playing game, cons and larps for everyone invites you to browse and add to it. The annual community meetings (CTs) of the Orkenspalter are located in a separate area The Orkenspalter Larp Orga hosts exciting live role-playing events - including canonical TDE Larps.